The company engaged in the security industry per capita time more than five years,Some have been there for more than a decade.We can meet many needs of the camera you want,Including regular products, custom products, OEM,ODM.We can give you the latest industry information,Let you know more about new products quickly.We have a wealth of products,IPC camera,AHD camera,DVR,NVR,IPC camera KIT,AHD camera KIT,Wide angle camera,Alarm camera,Panoramic camera,PTZ camera,Battery camera,Solar camera,4Gcamera,Wifi camera and so on.And continue to develop new products.Our company is in Shenzhen,We have good resources,And we like the industry.We hope to solve more local security problems,Make the world a little safer.Liangyi Baina,To contribute a little of our strength to this goal.Because we're all security people.